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Getting Started
Create a FREE account as a candidate
As a student or graduate your status will be verified and as an employer, your company will be verified. Once-only!
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Student Resource Hub
What is the Resource hub
We engage with industry experts to contribute to our knowledge hub and articles about graduate employment such as tips and advice on employability skills.
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Join the Network
Create a FREE account as an employer
As employers we know that budget and time constraints are real. With Gradlinc you can manage your own budget and still have access to credible candidates.
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Career Offices
Become a Partner
Sign you insitution up to become part of the Gradilnc family and tap into all our resources that will make your job so much easier.
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Get in Touch
You can get in touch with us in various ways:
Fill in the form on our Contact Page and we will call you
Email: info@gradlinc.co.za
Call: 021 137 1744
Create an account on the platform
Get Started Today With Gradlinc.
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Gradlinc is your answer to take the first step towards a successful career path. Your solution.
Gradlinc is the only South African graduate employment platform that enables university graduates to connect to existing opportunities by bringing employers and graduates together on one national platform.
Signing-up is free and fast. Once you’re signed-in, we’ll help you with the rest. Gradlinc is an easy way to find a relevant job tailored to your field of expertise, a job near you and . Let’s get you started!